Welcome to our dedicated platform for connecting employers with talented students in our Architectural & Engineering CAD department. If you’re searching for skilled individuals to join your team in fields like Architecture, Architectural BIM/CAD, Civil CAD, Electronic CAD, IC Layout Design, and Mechanical CAD, you’re in the right place.
Whether you’re an employer eager to tap into our pool of specialized talent or a student looking for exciting career opportunities, this is where your journey begins. Explore, connect, and learn the various avenues through which you can connect with our students.
Post a Job on Handshake
- ACC uses a dynamic recruitment platform known as Handshake
- Our graduating students are encouraged to set up a profile on Handshake and our entire student population has access to this recruitment platform.
- Click Here to visit the job board and post your company’s position.
- This website has information about ACC’s recruiting guidelines, as well as detailed instructions for new and returning users to post a job.
Job Fairs
- Our department hosts an annual job fair to connect our students and local employers.
- Click Here if you’d like to be added to the employer contact list for our job fair.
- These events are free for employers and a great opportunity to meet with our students, interview potential candidates and make a presentation about your company.
- Our next job fair will be held in April 2024
Host a "Lunch and Learn" Event
- Do you have an engaging info-session or dynamic presentation you’d like to host? Our students and alumni love to hear from our employer partners.
- Click Here to reserve a date and host a hybrid “Lunch and Learn” event where we invite our students to join you to hear about your company and the exciting opportunities you have available.
- Bring lunch for those who attend in person (food is a great way to get students to attend!)
- We’ll coordinate a virtual connection for your meeting for those who can’t attend in person.
- Several local employers have been providing scholarships to cover tuition for students within their specialization.
- This is a perfect opportunity to grow your industry, promote higher education and job growth in our community.
- Click Here to work directly with ACC’s business office to set up scholarship funding.
Sponsor Our Events
- Throughout the semester, we host a variety of events for our students: from advising to success strategies, etc…
- While this isn’t an opportunity to meet or recruit our students directly, your company can sponsor these events.
- Sponsorship opportunities include: providing snacks or meals at the events, door prizes & fun giveaways (everyone loves your swag!)
- This is an ideal way to increase your company’s visibility and connect with our students during their program.
- Click Here to participate.